Tour Communication Number 34

1) The final consolidation, staff payments and refunds will be done on Wednesday 17 December 2008.

2) Managers must please forward the email addresses of their parents to Marius Buys.

3) Are you available to coach or manage next year and/or do you know of anyone who can be approached for the gswp staff or the LOC for the hosting of the tournament in Gauteng in 2009

4) All staff must please submit a report before receiving their final gswp payment. (note: cheques will be made available until after the staff members report has been received)

5) Reports:

a) Final Position and awards received by gswp players
b) Results of Matches played
c) What worked well
d) What did not work well
e) Suggestions going forward

a) What worked well
b) What did not work well
c) Suggestions going forward

Support staff:
a) What worked well
b) What did not work well
c) Suggestions going forward

Yours in polo,
and seasons greetings.
Marius Buys

Tour Communication Number 33 - Meal and transport bookings, kit issues

Meal bookings are done on the noticeboard at the Lions Den Hospitality tent for two meals in advance. The format will be in sittings of teams and managers must look at the match schedule to see when would best suit their team in terms of matches to be played and transport.

Team transport bookings are also done from the noticeboard at the Lions Den.

A reminder that fruit, hot dogs and cool drinks will be freely available to all Lions from 10am - 8pm daily.

All team managers will be provided with a 25-litre cool drink/water dispenser from which they can supply their players with fluids. A good idea is to supply icy water or some form of mix. Kit issues

Kit Issues:
If players want to swap out kit for larger or smaller sizes they should sms the request to 076 800 6983 and we will attempt to connect players with mutually suitable requests.

Players can also post their request on the notice board at the Lions Den Hospitality tent at the Joan Harrisson pool in EL.

Girls are requested to wear two costumes when they play.

Tour Communication Number 32 - Order of Events in EL

6 December 2008
(10h00 – 16h00) Player’s registration at the Amakhosi Swimming club. Provincial Team list and proof of age handed by GSWP secretary in a single flip file, quota players clearly indicated. Managers to collect goodie bags for their teams.

(13h00) - SWPSA Annual General Meeting, at Ted Allen Room, JH Pool

(15h30) - Players flying on the GSWP 1 Time Flight report to their manager, coach or Mr. Grant Ramsey at domestic departures)

(16H00) - Tournament Managers/Coaches Meeting at Joan Harrison pool (White tent)

(16h45) – Welcoming address by host Water Polo Association at the Joan Harrison Pool.

(17h00) – Tournament matches commence. GSWP excluded.

(17h20) - GSWP Flight departs from Oliver Tambo Airport.

(18h00) - GSWP Squad roll call and supper for ALL players and staff not on the GSWP chartered flight at the Joan Harrison Pool.

(19H00) - GSWP Flight arrives at East London Airport (Players to report to their Ms Richenda Cole at the airport who will coordinate their transport to Joan Harrison pool after players collected their baggage)

(19h45) - GSWP Squad roll call and supper for ALL players and staff on the GSWP chartered flight at the Joan Harrison Pool

(20h15) – All players move to their allocated accommodation after managers have made transport arrangements, in order of importance, to get to their playing venues the next day.

7 December 2008
Team Photos at Joan Harrison Pool care of Andrew Bray. (Clean Clear gazebo.)

7 – 9 December 2008
IPT water polo matches from 07h00 to 22h00 10 December 2008
(07h00 – 12h00) IPT water polo matches (from 6h00 – 10h00) GSWP vacates their accommodation.

(13h00) SWPSA Medal & Closing Ceremony Joan Harrison pool

(18h00 – 19h00) Players on GSWP flight purchase their own meal at the airport.

(20h00) - GSWP Flight departs from EL Airport (Arrival and transfers run by Ms Richenda Cole)

(21h15) - GSWP Flight arrives at Oliver Tambo Airport and parents to meet the players at domestic arrivals.

Tour communication Number 31 - Where to sew scrolls and sport logos

Players are to sew their water polo scroll 20mm below the white horizontal line of the track suit. and horizontally aligned with the sport logo of the Lion and ball.

extra scrolls are added 20 mm apart.

Players who have not ordered new tracksuits will be provided with a new sport logo of a flaming lion and a water polo ball and are to sew the new logo over the 2007 one.

Tour Communication Number 30 – General, last minute information, Correction of Flight Number and available seats

The GSWP 1 Time flight from Johannesburg is JNB ELS is 1T 391 and not 1T 397 as stated

Going to EL there is a seat on an SAA flight available at SAA 481 leaving at 18h30
Coming back from EL there is a seat available on the ELS JNB 10 DEC flight if any parents or late travelers are interested. Please contact Richenda Cole for bookings Cell: 0837754815 Forms

Proof of age (copy to Mr Buys)
Please make sure your manager has handed a copy of your proof of age to Mr Buys for team registration before 12 am on Thursday 4 December 2008. The host tournament will not release goodie bags or let teams play before they have properly registered.

Raffle Draw (lists into Mr. Buys by 11am on 4 December 2009)
The raffle lists must please be faxed to Mr. Buys on 011 442 6237 or dropped off at the St David's Marist Inanda reception before 12am on 4 December 2008. The draw will take place at 14h00 at the Winchester Marketing offices.

Kit Delivery All the kit will be delivered to Ms Taylor on 3 Dec 2009 after 6pm. Managers must please arrange to collect their kit with her.

Tour Communication Number 29 - Tour Manual

Dear manager and coach

Please forward this tour manual to your players and parents. Physical copies of the manual will be available from the St. Davids Marist Inanda Reception for collection by parents or players at 11am on Tuesday 2 December 2008

I please request that no changes must be made to the manual and that persons contact me if there are mistakes or shortcomings which will be posted under tour communications.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys

Tour Communication Number 28 - GSWP Flights

Flights from ORT Johannesburg to East London on 6 December 2008:
1T 391 JNB ELS 17h20 – 18:45 ( be there 2 hours before)

Flights from East London to ORT Johannesburg on 10 December 2008:
1T 394 ELS JNB 20h00 – 21:15 ( be there 2 hours before)

Tour Communication Number 27 - A copy of all players ID for group registration

All managers

Please make a copy of your players ID or birth certificate and drop off for my attention at the St David’s reception.

The hosting province would like all teams to register as a group. This means that you must please give me a copy of the certified copy of your players certificate of birth or ID so that it can go into one large master flip file.

Please have these documents to me by no later than Thursday at 14h00.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys

Tour Communication Number 26 - the raffle draw (lists need to be returned)

All managers and/or coaches

I please need the raffle forms back whether they have been completed or not.

Please drop the completed lists at the St David’s reception at 36 Rivonia road before 2pm this Thursday. Players can also fax completed lists to the St David’s reception for attention Marius Buys (011 442 6237)

I have arranged with the sponsors to move the date of the draw to 3pm this Thursday the 4th of November 2008 at the offices of Winchester Marketing. The sponsors will do the draw at Number 4 Eleventh Avenue. Houghton. (Corner of Eighth Street with the Entrance on Eighth Street)

Yours in polo
Marius Buys

Tournament Communication Number 25 - FINA regulations for disciplinary actions

Dear manager and coach,
please read in carefully and explain the relevant parts to your players.



These Regulations contain basic regulations for fair play, ethical and moral behaviour, and general discipline in Water Polo.

These Regulations include measures related to incidents involving teams, water polo Federations, water polo sections of Member Federations, players, team leaders and officials, supporters, spectators but also involving officials or any other persons present at water polo matches.

The Regulations shall be in force from 1 August 2001 and replace the Code adopted by the FINA Bureau on 28th March 2001.

The purpose of these Regulations are to guarantee that the sport of Water Polo will be played in a fair manner without disturbance and to sanction incidents, which damage the image of Water Polo or bring it into disrepute.


These Regulations are subordinated and supplementary to all FINA Rules adopted by the FINA Congresses from time to time and the FINA Code of Conduct.

Article 2.

2.1 The sanctions to be imposed for offenses committed by any person appointed by FINA as delegate, referee, goal judge or serving at the table at any water polo match shall be suspension from participating further in the tournament in which the match occurred and a report shall be made to the FINA Bureau, or if the Bureau is not assembled, to the FINA Executive, for consideration of additional sanctions.

2.2 If a person, appointed by FINA as a delegate, referee, goal judge or serving at the table at a water polo match, commits an offense referred to in these Regulations or the FINA Code of Conduct and involving cheating or partiality, the person shall be suspended up to life.

Article 3.

3.1 Any offense committed by any member of a team or team official shall result in a minimum suspension of one (1) match up to a maximum suspension of all water polo matches for one (1) year period.

3.2 If the offense includes violence resulting in serious injury, use of any hard object or any other kind of violence against the body, the minimum suspension shall be for all water polo matches for one (1) year period up to a maximum of a lifetime suspension from water polo matches.

3.3 If the offense is an attempt to commit an offense referred to in 3.2, the minimum suspension shall be three (3) matches up to a maximum suspension of all water polo matches for one (1) year period.

3.4 Offenses in 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 involve acts committed from 30 minutes before the beginning of the match until 30 minutes after the end of the match.

3.5 If an offense referred to in 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3 is committed by any person other than a player or team official, the minimum sanction shall be a warning or exclusion from the venue up to a maximum sanction of suspension of the right to attend water polo matches for any period up to, and including, life.

3.6 The minimum sanction for any offense under Article 3 may be increased for a second or subsequent offense by any individual.

Article 4.

4.1 For brutality, or any offense not covered in FINA Rules WP 20-22 committed by a player against other players or team officials, the minimum suspension shall be for one (1) match up to a maximum of all water polo matches for a one (1) year period.

4.2 If the offense is committed by a team official against any player or team official, the minimum suspension shall be one (1) match up to a maximum of a lifetime suspension from water polo matches.

4.3 If the offense is committed by any other person, the minimum sanction shall be expulsion from the venue up to a maximum of a suspension of the right to attend water polo matches for any period up to, and including, life.

4.4 The minimum sanction for any offense under Article 4 may be increased for a second or subsequent offense by any individual.

Article 5.

5.1 For any offense committed by any team member or team official against media representatives, spectators, pool staff or any other person present in the venue at the time of a match, the minimum suspension shall be from all water polo matches for a one (1) year period up to a maximum of suspension of the right to attend competitions for any period up to, and including, life.

5.2 For oral or written statements of an abusive kind or nature and directed against FINA, any Federation, any organizer, authority or any other person, and which are not elsewhere covered in this Code, the minimum sanction shall be suspension for a period of six (6) months up to a maximum suspension for life.

5.3 The minimum sanction for any offense under Article 5 may be increased for such period as the Management Committee deems appropriate.

Article 6.

6.1 If more than three members of the same team, including team officials, commit offenses sanctioned in accordance with Articles 3, 4 or 5 in the same match, that team shall be sanctioned with disqualification from that match and a minimum suspension from the next match in the tournament to a maximum suspension from taking part in any competition organised by the same body for a period of one (1) year.

6.2 Suspension in 6.1 means that the match or matches for which the team has been suspended shall be awarded to the opponent(s) with the goal score of 5-0.

Article 7.

7.1 Sanctions for offenses in 3.1 and 3.5 shall be imposed by the Management Committee within 24 hours after the end of the match, with immediate notification to the player(s), team official(s), or other person(s) suspended.

7.2 The Management Committee shall have the right to provisionally suspend any person or team who has committed offenses in 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 5.1, 5.2, and 6.1, subject to immediate written submission of the case to the FINA Bureau or, Board of the Organizing body.

7.3 Sanctions in accordance with 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 6.1 shall be imposed by the. Board of the Organizing body.

7.4 Sanction involving disqualification and suspension of a team from one or more matches in the same tournament shall be imposed by the Management Committee within 24 hours after the end of the match and immediate notification to the team officials, the Federation of the team and the Board of the Organizing body.

7.5 Sanctions involving suspension of a team in accordance with 6.1 for a period covering more than the actual tournament shall be imposed by the Board of the Organizing body.

7.6 As used in these Regulations "suspension" for offenses other than in 3.1, 3.2, 3.5 and 4.1 shall mean, as may be specified by the Board of the Organizing body, from competitions or that the individual sanctioned shall not participate in any or certain activities of FINA, the recognized continental organisations or any of FINA's Member Federations, in any discipline of FINA including acting as a competitor, delegate, coach, leader, physician or other representative of FINA, a recognized continental organisation or a Member Federation. A suspension shall take effect from the date specified by the competent authority.

7.7 If a player or team official is suspended from a specific match, the team shall have the number of players or team officials on the bench reduced accordingly; provided that there is at least one (1) team official on the bench.

Article 8.

8.1 Referees, match officials or the competition management shall have the burden of establishing that offenses in the Water Polo Rules and these Regulations have occurred. In imposition of any sanction, the nature of the offense, the circumstances under which it occurred, the gravity of the offense, the character of the action and other consideration that is in harmony with the objectives of FINA must be taken into account.

Article 9.

9.1 An individual sanctioned by the Management Committee may appeal to the Board of the Organizing body within 21 days from the date of receipt of the decision including a sanction of the appealing party and further in accordance with the rules of the body concerned.

Tour Communication Number 24 - SA Schools Newsletter No1

Newsletter – SA Schools Water Polo 2008

Dear Coaches and Managers

Arrangements for Saturday 6th December.

Registration will be ongoing from 10am to 4pm at the Amakhosi Masters Swimming Club (which is next door to the main entrance of the Joan Harrison pool complex). Please hand in your final team lists with PDI players clearly indicated, COPY of the players ID’s in each team and your proof of payment. If a team has not paid they will NOT be allowed to enter the water.

Please do not hand in any original documents!!

Please hand all these documents into registration as a flip file.

Please note we will process one province as a whole. In other words not each team individually. If a team list has changed, it is the team manager’s duty to inform the table of this change before every match. The tournament statistician must also be informed.

Goodie bags will be handed out, please ensure you have sufficient manpower to collect if you have a large contingent!

AGM. This will be held in the Ted Allen Room (next to the diving pool) from 13h00 to 16h00.

Managers meeting will be held in the large white tent between the polo pools and the main swimming pool at 16h00.

The opening (a short word of welcome) will be at the main water polo pool at the Joan Harrison at16h45. The first matches will start at 17h00 at the various venues.

Team photographs will be taken on Sunday at the Joan Harrison complex only. Report to Andrew Bray at the Clean Clear gazebo.


Charl Wessels
IPT Coordinator
20 November 2008

Tour Communication Number 23 - Chairpersons note re clothing

Players and parents please be advised that the prices of essential kit, including track suits, are NOT marked up at all beyond the price supplied to GSWP and are as follows:

Suppliers price + Embroidery + Agents markup of 25% + VAT

Orders for EXTRA Kit NOT placed with the once off Gauteng order is subject to a 20% surcharge to cover deliveries and cellular calls.

Ms Rosemary Dryden has been volunteered to intelligently rework the provincial clothing order for 2009 and further drive down the cost to the parent.

Ms Barbara Taylor will continue to focus on the players end of the process in liason with the managers re kit sizes and the order of tracksuits.

The kit for 2009 will not change from the present order and players will be able to add nice to have to their provincial kit should there be spare funds.

The staff tracksuits are different because there have been complaints from organizers, parents and staff that they are not identifiable as staff.

Any further suggestions to improve and restructure the clothing order process are most welcome.

Marius Buys

Tour communication 22 - Of critical importance - final arrangements

Of critical importance - final arrangements

Dear staff, players and parents

Please take some time to go through the final arrangements. Can the managers please forward this mail to their parents ASAP.

Yours in polo

Marius Buys


R 3490.00 per player using their own transport
R 4590.00 per player flying a single leg with GSWP on 1 Time Airlines
R 5690.00 per player flying a return trip with GSWP on 1 Time Airlines
(All overpayment by parents will be refunded on 12 December 2008 at a time/venue TBA)

Chairman’s note:
The 2008 tour fee, excluding travel, has increased by 1% (R140) from last year’s tour fee. There is a flight monopoly into EL and parents have been given the option to minimize the exorbitant travel cost by using voyager miles or bus travel. Only 5 out of 243 persons chose to travel by bus.

All meals and swimming costumes are supplied this year as parents and staff felt that last years arrangement was unsatisfactory. The total number of staff going on tour has been reduced by 2. The tour raffle picks up a shortfall in the budget and it is vital that all players sell at least 5 tickets as the raffle cross subsidizes the tour fee. The intended purchase of provincial water polo caps has been cut from this year’s budget to further reduce the cost to the parents.

The tour fee includes; transfers to and from the East London Town airport, transport to and from the playing venues, accommodation, GSWP award ceremony certificate/scroll/pin, breakfast, lunch, supper, SA Schools Team photo (to be confirmed), swimming costume, 2 team golf shirts, 1 team sleeveless top, team cap, team board shorts. SA Schools Memorabilia & T Shirt, SSA capitation, SWPSA capitation, SA schools tournament fee. The travel, accommodation, meals, honorarium & kit for 27 staff and the tour fee of approximately 10 under privileged players are also covered by this amount.

The tour fee does not include, but each player is required to have; a black towel, a GSWP track suit, spending money, bedding and pillows for boys teams, transfer to and from the Oliver Tambo airport, any extra GSWP gear as available on the blog site, supper for the persons flying back on the evening of 10th Dec.2008.

The tour fee is paid, via cheque to the team manager or via EFT into the GSWP account:-

Name: Gauteng Water Polo Association, Standard Bank,

Branch Code 000205 (six digits) or Branch Code 00020500 (eight digits)

Account No. 000199044

Your ref: players surname, players initial & team.

For Example: Smith RM U19A Boys

All payments must be copied to; Ms. Lesley Gilbert (011) 475-6102 or 082 852 6756

All travel arrangements, even private travel, must be copied to; Ms. Richenda Cole 083 775 4815

Any problems or suggestions for improvement are to be addressed to; Mr. Marius Buys 076 800 6983


1 Very important for parents:
a) Pay your child’s full tour fee immediately and fax/email proof to bookkeeper
b) Sell a minimum of 5 raffle tickets and hand in your list when you receive your kit.
c) Ensure that your child has the items required, but not provided, on page 2.
d) Ensure that you and your child have read this manual.
e) Ensure that you have provided your manager with travel options and kit sizes.
f) Ensure that you have given your indemnity and police certified birth cert. to manager
g) Ensure that you have clearly marked your kit and cellular battery.
h) Check your kit, payment & travel confirmations on (on 18 November 2009)

2 Very important for managers and coaches:
a) Source a set of water polo caps for each of your teams.
b) That you have all staff and players indemnity forms with medical and contact details
c) Check that you have given the correct kit sizes order for all staff and players.
d) Check that the travel detail for all staff and players is correct.
e) That you have in a certified copy of all staff and players ID book or birth certificate (police certified). This file must also be ready for use at the airport check in.
f) That coaches have a water polo whistle and warm up balls
g) That each player understands how important selling at least 5 Raffle tickets is.
h) That players know that they must bring a black towel, tracksuit and money for supper on the last night.
i) That you have a basic first aid kit that contains headache tablets, anti diarrhea tablets, anti nausea tablets, plasters, celestamine, arnica, glucose tablets, anti cramping tablets, burn-shield.
k) That all staff and players have read the tour manual
l) That you have a printout of the teams matches
m) That you collect and facilitate handing out your team’s kit on 30 November 2008 at KES VII at 9am

Tour Communication Number 21 - Staff Evening Duty Roster

Staff - Evening Duty Roster

The following staff will do duty and will be responsible for the team for the evening from
9am - 7am when the teams age groups manager takes over.

Staff may swap evenings around but must notify Marius Buys before they do so as parents will only be able to contact their children in the evening through the staff on duty. Marius Buys and Fiona Cullen will do roving visits to staff to make sure that they are on duty, have taken in cell phones and is maintaining peace and quiet in the players sleeping quarters.

If there is any special arrangements such as early travel or breakfast before 7 it must be made by the teams manager before the evening.

Staff on the first night is responsible for the roll call at Joan Harrison to make sure that all players have arrived safely

Staff on the last night is responsible to make sure that the team checks out on the 10 Dec 2008

All boys team complaints must also please be referred to Marius Buys
All girls team complaints must also please be referred to Fiona Cullen

The evening duty staff must please:
a) be physically present at the venue
b) check on the group at least twice in the evening
c) have their cellular phones switched on
d) have the teams file which includes their parents contact detail and medical indemnity & information form

All players MUST be in bed by 9am

Evening staff must please take in the players cellular phones for the evening as the players stay up until late in the evening on MIXit and are fatigued the next day. The aforementioned is also applicable to ANY games or electronic equipment that will keep the players from sleeping.

U19 Boys at The Sport Lodge:
6 Dec 2008 - Kevin Leathem
7 Dec 2008 - Vaughn Tomson
8 Dec 2008 - Jon Marc de Carvallo
9 Dec 2008 - Kevin Leathem

U16 Boys at Baysville Hostel:
6 Dec 2008 - Shane Gaffney
7 Dec 2008 - Kevin O Brien
8 Dec 2008 - Dwayne Flatcher
9 Dec 2008 - Shane Gaffney

U14 Boys at Baysville Hostel:
6 Dec 2008 - Kevin Whelan
7 Dec 2008 - Andrew Ridley
8 Dec 2008 - Gareth Taylor
9 Dec 2008 - Kevin Whelan

U13 Boys at Baysville Hostel:
6 Dec 2008 - Grant Ramsey
7 Dec 2008 - Marius Buys
8 Dec 2008 - Jason Booij
9 Dec 2008 - Grant Ramsey

U19 Girls at Thornycroft lodge:
6 Dec 2008 - Jane Samson
7 Dec 2008 - Stan Gospodinov
8 Dec 2008 - Stacey Sirakis
9 Dec 2008 - Jane Samson

U16 Girls at Gonubie Hotel:
6 Dec 2008 - Tegan Bilse
7 Dec 2008 - Brian Webster
8 Dec 2008 - Kiara Power
9 Dec 2008 - Tegan Bilse

U14 Girls at Gonubie Hotel:
6 Dec 2008 - Kirsty Devine
7 Dec 2008 - Naydene Smith
8 Dec 2008 - Anke Jackobs
9 Dec 2008 - Kirsty Devine

U13 Girls at Gonubie Hotel:
6 Dec 2008 - Christine de la Harpe
7 Dec 2008 - Hugh Farrel
8 Dec 2008 - Kate Meintjies
9 Dec 2008 - Christine de la Harpe

Tour Communication Number 20 - Amended Award Function times and arrangements

Provincial staff, please inform your players ASAP of the changes below.

Date and Venue:
St David’s Marist Inanda in the Marcellin Champagnat Hall.
17h30 for 18h00 on 8 November 2008 at 36 Rivonia Road.

Players, coaches, managers and honorary staff to gather outside the hall for the Provincial procession. Coaches to let players walk in in cap order number

Parents gather in the amphi-theater before the hall entrance. All parents to be seated by 17h25 latest.

Dress code:
In formal school clothing.

Parents friends and family:
Ladies in dress or smart pants and men in collared shirt.
No persons in shorts, jeans or running shoes will be allowed to attend.

Coaches, managers and honorary staff:
Ladies in Black dress or black long pants and white blouse with black shoes and the provincial pin.
Men in Black longs and white long sleeve shirt, coaches and managers wear the provincial tie. Honorary staff wear the provincial pin.

Parents will sit anywhere behind the teams.
Players will be sit in cap number order with number 1 being the furthest from the middle isle.
GSWP Executive will sit on Stage: Ms L Gilbert, Mr. G Ramsey, Ms F Cullen, Mr. M Buys, SSA representative (if any), CGA representative (if any)

Player, coach and manager seating as viewed from the audience:
The Coach and Manager will sit in the first two seats in the inside isle.
1st Row: Front left U13 Girls Colts, front right U13 Boys Colts
2nd Row: left U13 Girls A, front right U13 Boys A
3rd Row: left U14 Girls Colts, right U14 Boys Colts
4th Row: left U14 Girls A, right U14 Boys A
5th Row: left U16 Girls Colts, right U16 Boys Colts
6th Row: left U16 Girls A, right U16 Boys A
7th Row: left U19 Girls Colts, right U19 Boys Colts
8th Row: left U19 Girls A, right U19 Boys A
9th Row: left All honorary support staff: Mr D Whelan, Physio TBA, Dr T Bux, Dr. F Bux, Ms R Cole, Ms S Power, Ms M Mpiti, Ms B Taylor, Ms R Dryden.

Order of events:
17h00 Staff admin meeting to check spelling, certificate order, receive pin and tie.

17h30 Players and parents arrive for the award function.
Players stand together with their teams and walk into the hall in cap order number.
Parents gather in the amphi-theater before the hall entrance.

17h45 Managers organize players in the correct team order.

17h55 Parents have entered the hall and is seated.

18h00 Provincial procession enters the hall with musical accompaniment.

18h05 Prayer and address by the Chairman, SWPSA meritorious service award to Mr. Brian Webster

18h15 Vice chairperson Girls Ms Fiona Cullen gives a short address.

18h20Vice Chairpersons call Managers of senior teams onto stage to introduce of their players / coaches and receive their certificate and scroll. Teams come up in the order that they walked into the hall.

19h00 Short musical interlude In between Junior and senior teams.

19h15 Vice Chairpersons call Managers of senior teams onto stage to introduce of their players / coaches and receive their certificate and scroll. Teams come up in the order that they walked into the hall.

19h55 Hall stands to sing the National Anthem accompanied by piano.

20h00 Provincial procession exits the hall with musical accompaniment.

20h10 Informal drinks function for Staff & Parents. Cool drinks for players.

20h40 Informal meeting by Marius Buys with parents who would like to clarify any matters re the tour (St David's Technology Centre)

Note: Back dated scrolls will be on sale at the stage area, during the informal drinks function, at R30 per scroll by Ms. Rosemary Dryden

Tour Communication Number 19 – Awards (specific arrangements)

Dear coaches, managers and other staff

1) Arrive at 14h00 to:
a. collect you’re the first half of your GSWP honorary cheque of R1250.00
b. check the spelling and order of your teams certificates (including non traveling reserves),
c. sign your letter of employment
d. sign your adult indemnity form
e. receive the GSWP blazer pin for men and ladies (including non traveling support staff)
f. receive the GSWP tie for men

2) Make sure you have your team in the correct cap order as on the major list and that your certificate is in that order as well.

3) When the teams walk in the GSWP executive walks in followed by the U13 Colts girls, the U13 Colts boys, theU13 A girls, the U13 A boys, the U14 Colts girls etc.

4) The manager walks in front of both his/her teams followed by the coach in front of his/her team, they walk to the front most isle, turns and remains standing until both his /her teams are seated.

5) The coaches sit on the inside isle. All other honorary staff sit in the front row and walk in with the procession.

6) Seated on the stage is the GSWP executive and guests (if any) ( Left to right as viewed from the audience : Ms L Gilbert, Ms J Sampson, Ms F Cullen, Mr G Ramsey, Guests, Mr. M Buys

7) After the Chairpersons address, Mr Websters award and the Choirs musical interlude…

8 a) The relevant boys or girls Vice Chairperson addresses the audience:

“ I now call on Mr/Ms______________ to introduce the Gauteng Under ____ boys/girls.”

“May I please request that the audience refrain from applause until the team is presented.”

8 b) Manager gets up and addresses the audience:

“ I call on the following persons to come forward and be recognized…"

The coach and players are called up to the stage as the manager reads the names out with a 1 second pause in between each name.

The coach and players walk up on the middle of the stage and receive a certificate from chair person and a scroll from the Vice chairperson of the opposite gender.

The coach and players line up on stage from the audiences left to right in their cap numbers to await their applause.

“Mr. Chairman, members of the Gauteng committee, ladies and gentleman…” “I present to you the Gauteng Under____ A/Colts Boys/Girls Water Polo team.”

(Note: All Colts/B sides are referred to as Colts sides)

The coach, players and manager walk off the stage on the side of the on which they sit.
(There are stairs on both sides)

8 c) Back to point 8 a) with a new team until the finally the U19A boys side.

9) The hall is requested to stand to sing the national anthem accompanied by the piano co Ms Belinda de Villiers.

10) The provincial procession executive leaves the hall followed by teams in the order in which they came in, to piano music.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
076 800 6983

Tour Communication Number 18 – General

Dear coaches, managers and other staff,

Please forward relevant information to your parents and check the details,

1) Check your players name and cap number on the attached list. Please make absolutely sure that your player, with their date of birth is as it is listed on the web site. I have copy pasted a list below. We use the players names and cap numbers to make sure that certificates are handed out in the correct order and that we send up the correct names for printing in the SA Schools Tournament programme.

2) Non Traveling reserves who have been training with the squad may also attend the ceremony and will receive a certificate and may purchase kit.

3) Clarification re the final tour and travel fee
(If the parents have paid the full tour fee of R4000.00)


NB payments are required to be paid in full into the GSWP account before this Wednesday.

4) Provincial Ladies staff will not be wearing their GSWP ladies necktie as these are not yet ready. My apologies.

5) All staff please make sure you collect your first half of your GSWP honorary payment of R1250.00 at the drinks session from Ms Lesley Gilbert after you have signed off your letter of employment and your own adult indemnity form two hours before the start of the awards function. (Provided your teams admin is in place as well ie: team list first and last name, indemnity forms, certified date of birth, summary of players details, kit sizes, travel options)

6) The official Gauteng Provincial Water Polo side will be released to the media and schools on the Monday following the awards function.

7) The prices for extra kit will be released as soon as we have received final prices from the suppliers.

8) Kit are available in all sizes, don’t panic.

9) Coaches and managers who deal with sponsors must please read the policy on sponsorship properly or phone Marius Buys before they give the sponsor final price estimates.

10) All monies, except extra kit, to be paid into the GSWP account.

11) Please make sure I know of any sponsors so that I can thank them in the National tournament brochure.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
076 800 6983

Tour Communication Number 17 - Urgent final payment required

Dear managers,

With the final tour fee, EXCLUDING transport, which have been set at R3490.00 parents can deduct R510 from their travel cost if traveling with Gauteng by flight or bus. (Assuming they have paid in the full R4000.00)

All tour and travel payments are required to be paid in full into the GSWP account before this Wednesday 5 November 2008.

Please urgently forward this email to all your parents.

many thanks,

Richenda Cole
Cell 083 775 4815
Fax 086 688 4495

Tour Communication Number 16 – Final Tour Fee Amount

Managers please inform your players and parents.

The final tour fee amount has been set at R3490.00 and must please be paid asap if parents have not done so allready.

Parents who have paid in R4000 will be refunded within two weeks after the tournament via cheque. The procurement of provincial water polo caps will only be implemented from 2009 when parents do not need to fork out for travel and accommodation and the tour fee will significantly be reduced.

We are also planning to host the Western Province team in 2009 for a reciprocal hosting when the tournament is held in Cape Town again. The savings on accommodation and meals will be significant and the aim is to, in years to come, significantly lessen the parents contribution for the cost of the tour.

Due to a very positive reaction to the requests for sponsorship, and the removal of a couple of kit items that were nice to have’s as opposed to essential, such as sandals and water polo caps, we have arrived at an amount that would be deemed to be more palatable for cash strapped parents. 50% of the combined monies collected from the raffle will also be added to the refund after the tour, unless parents request for the monies to be donated back into the water polo foundation.

A note that only interest from monies donated to the foundation may be used by GSWP and that donations will effectively contribute to GSWP water polo for life.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys

Tour Communication Number 15 - Changes to Accommodation

Managers please inform your players and parents.

Please also make sure that the second tour fee payment, and travel payment, has been made.

Please note the coaches and managers will now stay with their teams.

The U19 Squads have been removed from the other teams to lessen the initiation phenomenon.

U19 Boys and Staff
Legends Sport Lodge

U13, U14 & U16 Players and Staff:
Baysville School Hostel

U19 Girls and Staff:
Thornycroft Lodge

U13, U14, U16 Girls and Staff:
Gonubie Hotel and Chalets Yours in polo Marius Buys

Tour Communication Number 14 - Kit Prices and sizes

Please be advised:
1) We have not been able to supply kit prices because we do not know what the new increase will be in early November 2008.
2) Kit sizes also come in all sizes from very small to as large as 5 XL

Tour communication Number 13 - Tour fee and accomodation

Dear Manager

Please ignore the first version of Tour Communication 13 as it had incorrect information on. Please print this version (version 2) and pass on to your parents.

Please phone me on 076 800 6983 or email on to confirm:
a) your final team numbers
b) that your quota is correct
c) that your players have received their raffle forms
d) that you have finalized team kit sizes (including staff)
e) that you have finalized travel options (including staff)
f) that you have sent me a list with the parents email detail
g) please indicate newly capped players who must receive a blazer pin.
h) That the names an cap numbers listed on the tour blog is correct (This will be what will be printed in the tournament programme)
i) That you have informed you parents to check the TOUR blog and not the BOYS/GIRLS blog for updated information.
j) we are waiting for the price increase on 1 November before we release the prices of extra Kit.

Tour Communication Number 13 – Tour Fee and Accommodation

The tour fee is currently projected at R3490.00. There will be a meeting in the St David’s Marist Inanda Technology centre for parents who would like the tour fee explained in further detail atfter the awards and drinks function on the 8th of November 2008.

Please do not ask for refunds at this stage as amounts may change, probably downwards, especially with funds collected from the raffle fundraiser that will reallocate 50% of all total monies raised, directly back into parents pockets before the tour departs via a reduction in the tour fee.

Players carry the full cost of a) 9 sponsored players and b) 29 traveling staff as well as some non traveling, administrative staff such as the services of a professional bookkeeper. Some capital expenditure towards things such as catering equipment and the travel fee of the sponsored players has also had to be incurred.

All remaining funds will be donated to the water polo foundation that does not allow the withdrawal of deposited funds. The interest of the funds in the account will be used to lessen the annual burden on the parents in terms of the amount that they contribute towards the staff section of the tour fee as well as administration and development. The tour fund may not keep any funds at the end of the tour and a complete set of books will be made available to parents who are interested.

A final breakdown will be provided on 28 November 2008 and will then not be changed.

The breakdown of the tour fee is as follows:
(note: Last years tracksuit must please be ordered by new players as it is not included in the kit provided to players but needed for tour)

Note: Please see tour fee breakdown.

U19 Boys and Staff
Legends Sport Lodge
49 Moore street, Quigney, East London
Cell: 082 774 8907 Fax: (043) 721 3423
Occupants to bring their own bedding and pillows, sheets will be provided.
Directions from the Joan Harrison Pool - Go up Jarviss road, (the road that runs past the fruit and vegetable shop on the corner), turn right at the fourway stop in Chamberlain road, turn left at the traffic light in to Pearce street, then go halfway around the circle to follow Pearce road out again, cross about two sets of traffic lights (about 50m apart), turn right into the city highway, pass two sets of traffic lights (about 1 kilometre), turn right into Moore street, drive about 70m and the lodge will be on your left. The lodge is painted in Earth Colours with a very high wall in front. The school is about 1.5km from the venues

U13, U14 & U16 Players and Staff:
Baysville School Hostel
Burnett road, Baysville, East London
(043) 721 0394 (hostel), (043) 721 0270 (school)
Staff and players to bring their own bedding and pillows, sheets will be provided.
Directions from the Joan Harrison Pool - Go up Jarviss road, (the road that runs past the fruit and vegetable shop on the corner), turn right at the fourway stop in Chamberlain road, turn left at the traffic light in to Pearce street, then turn right at the circle into Anderson road, turn left at the stop street into Fitz-Morris road, drive about 20m then turn right into Burnett road, drive about 50m, turn right into the school on the right hand side.
The school is about 1.5km from the venues

U19 Girls and Staff:
Thornycroft Lodge
370 Thornycraft road, Horseshoe valley, East London
Elsa Remant Tel:(043) 7307300 Cell:078 1315771
The venue is about 10min drive from Joan Harrison Pool
10 suites consisting of a bedroom with queen size bed, and a separate lounge with sleeper couch. 3 girls per room staff speparate. includes a English and continental buffet breakfast .

U13,U14, U16, U19 Girls and Staff:
Gonubie Hotel and Chalets

Tour Communication Nr. 12 - Raffle fundraising letters

Dear Manager

Please collect your teams raffle books / letters for handing out to your team at the next practice from the St David's reception care of Ms Lesley Armstrong.

* Please sign out the correct raffle letter according to the book number indicated next to the players name. (Nb! They MUST sign for their letter!)
*The players must please sell all 20 tickets for R50.00 ea.
*They must return the completed list to you.
*The draw will be by the sponsor CEO on 2 December 2008 at their head office.
*The player who sells the most books will receive a complete set of extra kit and supporters jackets for his parents.
* The players parents must pay the collected funds into the GSWP bank account and staple the receipt to the list which they must return to you by 25 November 2008.
*The bookkeeper, ms Gilbert will check that all letters have been collected and funds been paid in as per letter.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
27 October 2008

Tour Communication Number 11 - List of B&B's in East London

Dear Manager

Please supply your parents with the below list of B&B's in East London.'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''

Marius Buys

Tour Communication Number 10 - Kit Orders

Dear Managers

Firstly I would like to apologize for the late notice and then the subsequent urgency. Could you please try to have the orders for the essential kit back to me by Monday 27 October 2008.

Please would you get the sizes of the players and staff for your teams for the following kit. The most important is the Essential kit sizes. To be completed on the Excel spreadsheet provided. The Photos and prices will follow.

1. Golf Shirts
Ladies L-VC; Men LEA 04 (See photos attached)
S, M, L, XL
Generous cut
Colour red and black
Size M = 34 as a sports shirt from Sportsmans Warehouse.
Male and female cuts more feminine
2 shirts given by GSWP
Additional shirts can be purchased.
Prices to be advised

2. Shorts
XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL
Size XS = Age 13-14
Medium length with waistband and drawcord
Male cut similar to last year
Female cut lower waist and shorter
1 pair given by GSWP
Additional shirts can be purchased
Prices to be advised

3. Shoe size
use the UK size
1 pair given by GSWP

4. Costume
Sizes 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40
upplier has made costumes for Wits, UJ, Jeppe club and St Dunstan which you can use as a guide.
Additional costumes can be purchased at R220.00 Boys and R400.00 Girls.

5. Track Suit (Optional and NOT included in the tour fee)
Payment must be received before order will be placed Tracksuit TRI-ST (See photo attached)
Same tracksuit as last year
Use existing players as a guide
Price R320.00
Payment must be received before order will be place

NB! Payments for extra kit must be paid into the GSWP bank account (no cheques please) All managers must keep a list of who has ordered and paid for extra kit.

Name: Gauteng Water Polo Association Standard Bank,
Branch Code 051001 (six digits) or Branch Code 00051001(eight digits)
Account No. 000085170 Your ref: Players Surname, players initial, Age group, kit
For Example: Smith RM U19 Kit

Barbara Taylor
083 453 4668;

Tourcom 9 - Travel options to date

Travel info to date:

U19 Boys I have received a list from Kevin, but I do not understand how he has done his options, so cannot deduce/calculate any thing from this, and it is incomplete. I emailed him yesterday and have just called him, but his phone is on voice mail.

U16 BOYS BUS 1 CAR 5 OWN FLIGHTS 9 CHARTER one way;3 return : 7 plus 2 x coach plus 1 x manager ie 10

U14 BOYS BUS 0 CAR 0 OWN FLIGHTS ALL players coaches and manager CHARTER 0

U13 BOYS Have heard nothing from Rob Ambler, sent him a chaser today

U 19 GIRLS Have heard nothing from Jane. Although there are option numbers on the blog, I am not happy to work with this, I want my spreadsheet completed.

U16 GIRLS Although have received spreadsheet from Tegan, she has only managed to complete for 3 people. She needs help here in obtaining the player lists

U14 GIRLS BUS: 1 nadine Smith Coach CAR: 1 OWN FLIGHTS 1 CHARTER: 1 way: 3 Return 17 PLUS Anke (coach) PLUS Kristy (manager) ie 19

U13 GIRLS BUS 0 CAR 2 OWN FLIGHTS 2 PLUS 2 coaches CHARTER: 1 way: 1 Return 16 PLUS 1 Christine (manager)

We seriously need to look at this BUS option, besides the Websters, and Nadine u14 coach, there are 3 people who have opted for the bus so far!! However, until I get the rest of the spreadsheets in we cant do much!


Richenda Cole
Business Solutions Executive
Cell 083 775 4815
Fax 086 688 4495

Tour Communication Nr. 8 – Ngwenya Game Lodge Raffle

Dear Manager

Please copy and distribute the flyer for the main prize of the raffle tickets we will require the players to sell at least one booklet of. The booklets are in the process of being printed.

The Prize: Thee lucky winners will each receive:

(The unit normally rents out at R9600 per four night stay in total a R28 000 sponsorship)

Ngwenya Lodge enjoys 2 kilometres of prime river frontage on the Crocodile river a mere ten minutes upstream from Crocodile Bridge Gate. The electrified game fence of the Kruger National Park passes behind Ngwenya. This effectively incorporates the property into the game area which means that you have every opportunity to see all the same species (Big Five included) that occur in the game-rich south eastern section of the Kruger Park without having to leave the property.For more information please visit

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
16 October 2008

Perched high above the Crocodile River is Ngwenya's main thatched complex with its elevated viewing deck and panoramic view of the Kruger National Park floodplain and adjoining woodland. From this vantage point one can view animal- and bird-life in the riverine environment. Also located in this complex is the Ngwenya Restaurant, a pub, guest lounge and curio shop.

From the moment one arrives it's time to forget about the hustle and bustle of modern city life. A warm welcome by security at the main gate will direct you to reception for a five star check-in that will set the rhythm of your stay in the bush.

From reception you will be directed to your own comfortable air-conditioned chalet which will be serviced once every day during your stay. Some chalets are set along the riverfront and others around dams.

Resort Amenities
Ngwenya boasts a comprehensive range of facilities to provide a world class holiday experience. Game viewing hides
Irrespective of where you stay the riverfront is accessible to all. Game viewing hides are located at various points along the riverfront. These provide stunning views of the river and the wildlife that passes by.

Ngwenya's many outdoor amenities are set in mature tranquil gardens ideal for leisurely strolls and relaxed bird and tree spotting.

There are four refreshing swimming pools to wallow in with a fifth to be added soon. For the more energetic Ngwenya has two tennis courts, mini-golf and a playground for kids with trampoline.

Tour Communication Nr. 7 - Feedback from managers meeting 14 October 2008

1) Some coaches have been slack in getting out the final teams. Please supply cap number, name, surname, date of birth, players cell and parents email urgently.

2) The kit coordinator, travel coordinator and bookkeeper cannot start any organisation without team lists and is urgently waiting for the coaches and managers to act.

3) The travel option of players and staff is now urgent and MUST be obtained by managers.

4) Fund raising will be done through raffle ticket sales and every player must sell a minimum of 1 book of raffle tickets. (20 tickets x R50) half of the funds will be used to alleviate the general tour fee and half will be utilized toward the Gauteng Schools Water Polo Foundation. A special reward will be given to players who sell two or more raffle books.

5) Swimwear can be fitted and ordered within the next week or so through the kit coordinator which will supply sample sizes for each player to wear. The swimwear works according to international sizes.

6) Players will use the same tracksuit as last year and the tracksuit is not included in the tour fee. Players who do not have the tour fee must please order one when the order form becomes available.

7) The clothing supplier has agreed to a maximum markup of 20% on all essential kit. A substantially larger markup will be placed on extra kit for fundraising purposes.

8) Water polo caps will be supplied for the use of the teams but will have to be signed for and returned to managers for use next year. The U19’s get to keep their caps as a memento.

9) Players who want to order backdated scrolls must provide a certificate and proof of identity to the supplier. The scrolls for 2008 will be handed out at the award ceremony.

10) The dress requirements for the award ceremony, tour communications, accommodation, tour forms, staff list, team info received, team list, tour fee breakdown, transport in EL and travel to EL posts have been adapted. Please check the tour blog site.

11) Managers and coaches have to organize between themselves who of the three staff will attend the managers and coaches meeting as per order of events on the blog site.

12) A banner has to be sourced for the award ceremony.

13) The design for the new swimwear has been finalized and signed off.

14) Managers are to please appoint two keen parents to act as official team photographers for each and every team. The reason for two photographers is in the event of one persons digital information being lost or files corrupted.

15) The lodge where the staff will stay has place for another 20 family members of the tour staff.

16) The managers and coaches are to please reread the tour blog before every training session and inform / update their players of any changes.

17) A request from the bookkeeper to indicate whether the payment is from a boy or a girl by adding the letter B (for boy) or G (for girl) at the end of the payment reference.

18) Parents to pay their second tour fee deposit of R2000.00 by tomorrow.

19) The tour fees has been managed to be brought down to app. R3950 but may still change

20) Staff and parents are to ignore the SSA communication that seeks to change quota requirements etc. The SA Schools water polo tour will go ahead with the parameters determined at the SWPSA AGM on 28 February 2008.

21) Managers are to please encourage the parents to visit the tour blog site.

22) Parents are appreciative of the tour fee breakdown.

23) Coaches are asked to submit stories of brave and positive endeavor by staff and players to be posted on the blog under the good stories post.

24) A corporate sponsorship plan and strategy is in the process.

25) The managers are to prepare a file in which they keep all their players relevant information, forms etc.

26) Accommodation for the girls teams have not been finalized but a fall back is available should there be accommodation problems. The places booked can actually accommodate the entire GSWP squad but placing of boys and girls is not an ideal practice and will be avoided.

27) A general email to all schools and clubs will be sent out to call for Black, Coloured, Indian or Chinese players to try out with teams who have not yet met their quota target or who would like to consider other quota players as opposed for their sides due to truculent behaviour of one or two incumbent quota players who do not see the need to train as hard as the rest of the squad. Please submit requests to Mr. Marius Buys before Thursday when the letter to MIC’s will go out.

28) If the 60 seater bus is not sufficiently filled, GSWP will seek to obtain / hire a 22 seater bus and driver from a Gauteng school.

29) The travel coordinator, bookkeeper and kit coordinator will be given administrator rights to update their own blog pages where parents can check to see if their arrangements or payments have been confirmed.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
14 October 2008

GSWP 63 & 64 The SSA document

GSWP 64 – SWPSA Response to SSA Document – Don’t Panic

As per SSA Communication on 14 October 2008
(Aka SSA Programs, Dates & Rules for 2008/9 National Competitions)

All GSWP parents, coaches, managers and players please note that it is the official response of SWPSA, after urgent telecom with the SWPSA Chairperson, Mr. Steve La Marque, that the SA Schools Inter Provincial tournament will go ahead as scheduled and that the status quo will remain as it was before the SSA letter was sent out.

In short, please do not panic.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
14 October 2008

From: Marius Buys
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 12:19 PM
Subject: GSWP 63 – GSWP Open Letter of Official Objection to Stipulations

GSWP 63 – GSWP Open Letter of Official Objection to SSA Stipulations for 2008/9
As per SSA Communication on 14 October 2008
(Aka SSA Programs, Dates & Rules for 2008/9 National Competitions)

Preamble: Besides the fact that these stipulations need to have been presented to, commented on, and agreed to by its constituents and affiliates, SSA fails to take into account that the SA Schools Tournament has been organized and settled long before this letter was sent out. A SSA representative was present at the SWPSA AGM and is aware of the quotas and requirements as put into place on the 28th of February 2008 for the Schools Inter Provincial Tournament in East London in 2008.

Should SSA be unmoved in their present approach and should certain GSWP teams not be able to attend the SASWP Inter Provincial Tournament GSWP will be forced to reclaim the lost funds from SSA through a class action lawsuit. SSA can be assured, and must please take notice, that after legal consultation, fair grounds exist for the reclamation of said lost funds.

A. Stipulation 4a: Technical Officials - All Technical Officials (Referees, Table Officials, Coaches and Managers) must be correctly attired with long pants and closed shoes. Objection: Long pants and closed shoes is not climate nor seasonally appropriate in South Africa and will be difficult to enforce.

B. Stipulation 4b: Technical Officials – Referee –The Referee cannot serve as Manager or Coach at the tournament. Objection: The pool of professional referees is simply not big enough to support such a request. The dey facto arrangement of having a coach or manager referee the match after their teams match addresses the issue satisfactorily until a sufficient referee base exists and until the finance is available to pay said referees.

C. Stipulation 5 a-c: Team Entries All team entries must be submitted to SSA Competitions Manager, by the Affiliate Secretary, by closing date that will be stipulated: a. Intention to compete – closing date is 3 months prior to first day of competition. b. Confirmation to compete – closing date is 2 months prior to first day of competition and must to accompanied with payment. c. Final team list – closing date is 4 weeks prior to first day of competition. Accompanying this list must be an ID photo of each team member. Photo’s are to be taken with a white back ground and can be submitted in digital format. Objection: The due dates are out of sync with the dey facto arrangement and is practically unattainable

D. Stipulation 6 If teams withdraw after the closing date (point 5.b.). Their entry fee will not be refunded and a further fine of R 500.00 will be imposed. Objection: Teams do not withdraw because they want to and to impose fines for doing so is profiteering.

E. Stipulation 7a - c: Team Composition minimum requirements: a. 13 players • Each team must field 2 black players (2008) and 3>4 black players (2009). • There must be at least 1 black player in the pool for the full duration of the game. Teams that do not comply will result in their entry being withdrawn. c. 1 manager - 1 member of the management must be black (2008). Objection: The quota system as requested above is devoid of any thought, based in racist foundations and unattainable in terms of the pool of black players currently available to play and manage in the country at the required level. There is currently NO development support from SSA that warrants such Drakonian and inflammatory measurements and it is my firm belief that whoever wrote the requirement has no interest in the growth of the sport but rather makes decisions based on a fundamentalist and political agenda. If said point of departure continues I am sure that the sport will be brought into disrepute again as with previous attempts to squeeze black blood from a rock that just does not have any. The Kramer League is already an excellent example of prohibitive administration policies in terms that teams have foregone entry into the league and simply hold a mirror tournament without any political interference.


F. Stipulation 1: This event is run by S.A Schools with the assistance of SSA. Objection: The assistance should be solely in a financial sense as history has proved that SSA lacks the capacity to act quickly and decisively and decisions are generally not made to the best interest of the sport but rather based on political motives which tends to lead the sport into disrepute.

G.Stipulation 2: SSA contributes to the technical running of the water polo tournament, therefore the above rules Apply except: Rule 5 – team entries are to be submitted to S.A. Schools. Objection: The tournament, in its entirety, should be run by the SWPSA and the host province. SSA has no insight into the on the ground complexities of the tournament and should not complicate the process.

H.Stipulation 3 Registration; All players that participate in this tournament shall be registered with SSA and these registrations shall be submitted on a spreadsheet and include Race. Objection: In terms of the National Constitution it is discriminatory and unconstitutional to include a person’s race as the basis for any decision making and should be removed from registrations as it superfluous. Race quotas should be phased out, not enshrined in rules and regulations.

I.Stipulation 4 & 5 Invitation to Schools outside South Africa will be done through SSA. All teams representing South Africa will be sanctioned by Swimming South Africa. Objection SSA’s administration does not have sufficient capacity to administer events that are at the core not part of their mandate as schools and teams who travel to, invite and participate against schools and teams outside South Africa are done on an informal/casual basis and does not fall within the official framework of the SSA umbrella body. The provincial body may be informed of a school tour as courtesy and permission must only be sought should a team act as a national team. (Whether that team was nationally selected or not)

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
14 October 2008

Tour Communication Nr. 6 - Amended Travel to East London

Travel to East London

NB! Players and Staff please inform your manager of your travel choice asap!

The four travel options to East London are:

Option 1
return trip
(all on one plane there and one plane back)

At a cost of about R2200.00 pp,
leaving on 6 December 2008 at about 17h30, arriving East London at 18h55
Returning on 10 December 2008 in the late afternoon.

Option 2
Bus return trip

(all on one bus there and one bus back)

At a cost of about R900.00 pp,
leaving in the afternoon of 5 December 2008 and arriving at a time to be announced on 6 December 2008.
The bus for the return trip leaves after the medal ceremony and returns sometime on 11 December 2008.

Option 3
Make your own way at your own cost.

This is for
persons flying with Voyager miles, using own transport with parents or a lift club and going by train etc.

Players are to report to their coach and manager at the Joan Harrison Pool at a time to be affirmed in the late afternoon of the 6th of December 2008.( Probably at 18h00)

I will open a blog where parents can offer rides and connect with each other. the address is

Parents must realize that any travel other than the Formal GSWP Flights and Bus trips are partially covered by the general indemnity form but that there will be no official control exercised over the player until he joins the side in East London.

Players who arrive at East London Airport must please wait at the Wimpy until they are collected by a driver with a welcome board who will collect and transport them to the Joan Harrison Pool, The drivers cell number will be provided at a later stage.

Option 4
One Time Flight trip single leg

At a cost of about R1200.00 pp,

General Notes:
*Staff who accompany the players on the bus will receive a R600 chaperone fee for each leg of the bus journey.

*Staff who choose option 3 will be reimbursed for the maximum amount of R1500.00

* Staff may not combine options.

* Players who are financially assisted by GSWP must choose option 2 unless they pay in the rest of the shortfall from their flight ticket via sponsorship or fund raising.

* The person who will act as travel coordinator is Ms Richenda Cole via each teams manager.

GSWP 53 – Notice of key SASWP Tournament Details

To all GSWP Staff, parents and players

I am aware that some parents want to plan their holidays and might find the following preliminary information useful regarding the 2008 SWSWP Tournament.

Tournament Venues are the Joan Harrison Aquatic Complex, Selborne College, Port Rex High School, Clarendon College and Stirling High School.Age groups have not yet been allocated to specific pools.

Dates and times for the 2008 SASWP Tournament held in East London:

• GSWP Squad departure date: 6 December 2008 (by air) 5 December (by bus)
• GSWP Squad return date: 10 December 2008 (by air) 11 December (by bus)
Note: The entire GSWP Squad is required to have arrived by 18h00 on 6 December 2008

• SASWP Tournament Date: 7 – 10 December
• Actual Tournament Matches Start Time: 7am, Sunday 7 December
• Actual Tournament Event End Time: no later than 3pm, Wednesday 10 December

Yours in polo

Marius Buys
22 July 2008

GSWP 54 – Amended GSWP Practice squad arrangements

To all GSWP Tour Staff

Please read carefully and try to adhere as closely as possible to the following arrangements for squad and team practices.


a) The staff must make sure that they have the sms details of all players in the squad in event of an emergency.
b) Normal communication from the manager to players and parents are as follows and presumes that most parents use their email at work:

For weekend practices:
i) Via email if the communication is sent out before 12pm on a Friday.
ii) Via sms if the communication is sent out after 12pm on a Friday.

Practices in the week:
i) Via email if the communication is 2 days before the practice.
ii) Via sms if the 2 days communication deadline was missed.

c) Managers are to send out an email and post results and practice details on the Blogspot in the format below and get the login and password from Grant or Fiona:


TEAM: U16 A & Colts
EVENT: Squad practice
DATE: Tuesday 5 September
VENUE: St John’s Valley Pool
TIME: 15H00 – 17H00
ATTENDING STAFF: Mr. O Brien & Mr. Gaffney
MANAGERS NOTE: Please bring a certified copy of your ID today.

d) Blogspot addresses are:
(Grant Ramsey 074 192 4373
(Fiona Cullen 072 515 5817


a) Attending staff are to make sure the following has been arranged BEFORE they get to the practice venue:
i) Balls, caps, whistle, other training equipment.
ii) Key or code needed to enter locked premises.
iii) Permission to use the venue (preferably printed out to avoid issues with guards)
iv) The contact details of a person who they can phone if there is a problem with access.
v) Attendance register.

c) If one coach cannot make it the other coach or manager MUST take the practice. Please do not cancel any practice with less than 2 hours notice as parents travel from far and arrange their entire day around the practice. The reason for the cancellation must be supplied to the parents and players.

d) There will be a minimum of one practice per week during June, July, August and September and two practices per week in October and November. Practices should be two hours or longer and if any of the minimum amount of practices are missed staff must try to make the practice up at another time.

d) Please note that staff may ask the squad to pay between R75 – R120 per month toward pool hire, coaches cell and travel remuneration. Managers should please just be able to give account to parents and players of where the funds were spent and should keep written records.

e) Coaches must avoid doing pure fitness work alone and should make at least half of their practice match-play related.

f) Final squads must please be announced by 10 September 2008.

g) Final teams must be available on 10 October 2008.


a) It is the responsibility of each coach to make sure that his/her teams quota requirements are met as the team can not be entered without the full quota requirement. A list of schools can be requested from Marius buys at cell:076 800 6983. A quota player is any Black, Coloured or Indian player.

b) Quota players can be sourced from schools or from the Soweto swimming club and it is crucial to ensure that we develop water polo in this area. I realize that this may mean extra effort from coaches but if we do not do this we fall further and further behind in the process.

c) The recent parliamentary decision to include Chinese in the so called “Black” classification must be taken cognissence of but managers must be aware that SSA has not officially incorporated said into the SWPSA tournament quota recommendation.

e) The players essential booking details such as the Date of Birth, Name and Surname, School, email, & cell number must be sent to each chairperson in the form of an excel spreadsheet to enable the bookkeeper, travel agent and person in charge of clothing to start their work. Staff must also include their own detail on the list with the team.

f) Managers will be required to keep a complete file of the players that need to contain their medical details, indemnity form and a certified copy of their birth certificate and an attendance register. (Other forms will be provided as well but managers are to please start working at gathering the required info pro actively.)

g) Please tell the players selected for the final squad that their parents will be required to pay a R2000.00 deposit by the 15th of September, R2000.00 and the remainder of the tour fee on 15th of October 2008.

h) The award ceremony will be held at the St David’s Marcellin Champagnat Hall on 8 November 2008 and will be attended in school uniform.

i) Dates and times for the 2008 SASWP Tournament held in East London:
i)GSWP Squad departure date: 6 December 2008 (by air)
ii)GSWP Squad return date: 10 December 2008 (by air)
iii)SASWP Tournament Date: 7 – 10 December
iv)Actual Tournament Matches Start Time: 7am, Sunday 7 December
v)Actual tournament end time: no later than 3pm, Wednesday 10 December

j) All teams will stay within 1.5km from their venue in a hostel.

k) A comprehensive tour document and guide will be given to the players close to the tournament.

l) Tournament Venues are the Joan Harrison Aquatic Complex, Selborne College, Port Rex High School, Clarendon College and Stirling High School.Age groups have not yet been allocated to specific pools.

m) Please note that Fiona’s email has changed.

n) The GSWP clothing will change from annual replacement to a hybrid


Yours in polo

Marius Buys
16 August 2008

Tour Communication Nr. 5 - Travel to East London

Please see communication number 6

Tour Communication Nr. 4 - Mixit Meetings

Dear Coaches and Managers

The first step is to check if MXit can be downloaded on your mobile. See if your phone manufacturer and model is listed at our wapsite at

(Unfortunately not all phones can run applications like MXit. If yours can't, don't worry - our technology is evolving at the speed of light. We constantly update the list and will probably be adding your phone pretty soon.) The following steps are needed to get MXit on your phone and it should take less than 2 minutes to do the first 4.

Step1 : Does your mobile phone support MXit?
Step2 : Set up your mobile with GPRS or 3G
Step3 : Download MXit to your mobile
Step4 : Register to the MXit Society
Step5 : Set up contacts
Step6 : Start chatting
So lets start with Step 1 and work our way through to number six.

Step 1 - Does your mobile phone support MXit

In order for a phone to run MXit it needs to meet three requirements: It must be WAP enabled. It must be JAVA enabled. It be able to download third party Java applications such as MXit. If your mobile phone does not have these 3 requirements you will not be able to download MXit.

Step 2 - Set up your mobile with GPRS or 3G

The MXit universe can be accessed from anywhere in the world, as long as there is GPRS/3G coverage. To communicate to your fellow citizens will cost you less than 1 cent per message! (That is 1 South African cent and is billed by your service provider and added to your GPRS data cost).

Nowadays most mobiles have GPRS/3G already set up, so you shouldn’t have a problem. But the easiest way to find out whether or not your phone is GPRS/3G enabled, is to give your service provider a call

Step 3 - Download MXit to your mobile phone

Downloading MXit from our WAP-site:

Jargon buster: A WAP-site is an internet website customized to be viewed on your phone. On your mobile, go to ‘services’ (i.e. globe icon) Create a new bookmark -, and save Select this bookmark, select ‘go to’ You should be welcomed to the MXit WAP portal at this stage From the options available, select your mobile manufacturer and model Select ‘open’ and Download!
It’s that simple! Once you have downloaded MXit, it can be found on your phone under ‘applications’ or - This is normally where your mobile stores stuff like games. (Whether or not this folder is called ‘applications’ will depend on your phone).

When you open the MXit application for the first time, you will be greeted with a warm welcome and asked to register.

Step 4 - Register to the MXit Society

When you open the MXit application for the first time, you will be greeted with a warm welcome and asked to register. Enter your phone number and choose a personal PIN. Give yourself a nickname and then select ‘accept’. (Keep your pin a secret, o and don’t forget what it is!)
Welcome to our world; you are now officially part of the MXit family!

For more detailed information about your PIN click here.

PS. The missed call system is currently disabled.

Step 5 - Set up contacts

You are now an official member of the global MXit Society. To start chatting, you have to set up contacts (the people you want to exchange messages with). You can chat to other MXit users, or to anyone using MSN messenger. When you first register, the only contacts that are shown is Info also known as Q, Gallery, Tradepost and Joebanker. The MXit Info Bot. Q is there to supply you with helpful information and make your problems disappear.

To invite a contact do the following: In MXit goto "Menu" Select "Contacts" Select "Add contact" Select "MXit" Enter your contacts number in international format, e.g. if your contact has an South African number, 0821234567, then enter their number as 27821234567 Enter a nickname for your contact (This is a reference for you to know who the contact is). Select "Accept"
Your contact will be automatically stored on your contact list. You will be able to chat to your contact as soon as they have accepted the invite.

To save a contact from an invite just select "Accept" once you have received the invite from your contact, your contact will automatically be saved on your contact list.

PS. Luci is currently on vacation - she will soon be back

Step 6 - Start chatting

At last..... The next time you are both logged on, your friend's nickname will be displayed in your contacts list with a green icon next to it - this means he/she is active (online). Scroll down to your friend's nickname, select 'Chat', and start talking!

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
24 September 2008

Tour Communication Nr. 3 - Indemnity Forms etc.

Dear Coaches and Managers

Please click this link to take you to the GSWP Admin page that has all the forms you require to fill in.

Coaches and managers
Letter of appointment
Adult Indemnity

Players Indemnity

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
24 September 2008

Tour Communication Nr. 2 - Internal Memo

Dear Coaches and Managers

Blog sites: Please visit and encourage your players to visit the Blogs below:

Mixit Multimix Linkup:
Thanks for those who took part in yesterdays exercise. The problem was apparently that Mixit is currently running a Beta version of Multimix and have very limited chat rooms available. A chat room is where all participants can see what everyone else is typing at the same time, which is why I want to hold meetings in that way. I will notify you when we will try again. In the meanwhile it still remains the cheapest way of communication. About 7sent to log on and almost free from there. If you take that to send 1 sms to the entire tour staff costs about R30 the logic seems to stand. In short…it is vital that you become Mixit enabled.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
24 September 2008

Tour Communication Nr. 1 - General Admin

Dear Coaches and Managers

I will be numbering the letters I am sending out to ensure that no one misses any communications.

We are now reaching the active phase of our preparation for the SASWP Inter Provincial Tournament where deadlines have to be met and if anyone drags their feet the impact is felt by the entire tour squad.

Please visit and encourage your players to visit the Blogs below:

1) Tour fee deposits
Your entire squad should have by now paid in their tournament deposit of R2000.00 into the GSWP account and have sent the proof to the bookkeeper. If you have collected funds and have paid them into the GSWP account as combined amounts then please send Ms. Gilbert the amount you have deposited and the breakdown of who made what payment.

Payment of R2000 tour fee deposit into the GSWP bank account:
Name: Gauteng Water Polo Association, Standard Bank,
Branch Code 000205 (six digits) or Branch Code 00020500 (eight digits)
Account No. 000199044
Your ref: Players Surname, players initial & Age group
For Example: Smith RM U19

Please fax/email proof of payment to the GSWP bookkeeper:
Ms Lesley Gilbert
(tel)011 472 0373
(fax) 0866359199
(cell) 082 852 6756

Confirmed payments will be listed on the tour Blog. These confirmations will also reflect players who have received GSWP sponsorship as having paid their fees as the fees are covered by GSWP. The confirmations are so that all parents will know their status with regards to finances and to promote transparency.

2) Team lists.
Urgent! Please send me your team list in a landscape word document, pro form attached, which contains at least the full touring squad if you have not finalized between A and B/Colts teams. We cannot start travel, accommodation, clothing and budget bookings and calculations before we have your info. It is easy for us to move name around later and data capture is time consuming.

The list MUST contain the following info for the coaches, managers and players:
a) Name and Surname. (Check the spelling please)
b) Cap number
c) Date of Birth
d) Parents cellular
e) Players cellular
f) Parents email
g) Shoe size, shirt size, short size
h) Any special dietary requirements
i) Any medical considerations Note: Mark the quota player/s with an asterisk.

3) GSWP Financial assistance requests. Please indicate via email to whether you think there are players who will need financial assistance from GSWP to pay their tour fee. If no applications have been received by 27 September 2008 I will assume that all the parents in your team can pay the full remainder of the tour fee before 15 October 2008.

4) Final team selections
The final team must be announced by 10 October 2008. There may still be movement between A and B/Colts teams but this is the list that will be sent to the tournament organizers and for the makeup of the kit packs. If there are any changes it is for the managers to sort out.

5) Tournament fee
The final tournament fee can ONLY be calculated after 30 September 2008 and will be announced asap. Parents must please be aware that the fee may be in excess of R5500. Flight prices are a large factor in the tour costing which can be as much as R3600 for a round trip. I am currently exploring other alternatives.

Every effort has been made too keep the fee down such as having a single manager for two teams, hostel accommodation, removing the travel costs from the tour fee, permanent tour clothing that does not need to be repurchased every year, a scroll system, etc.

Parents must understand that the tour is fully self funded which means that they foot the bill for the coaches and all other events involved with the tour. The poor financial setup has long been the bane of my chairmanship and we are planning to start a foundation to address the excessive financial burden we place on the parents to eventually completely remove all external factors from their tour fee other than what they would pay only for their own child. The foundation would cover all the staff expenses, sponsorships, award evenings, and many other items which I believe should not be for the account of the players. This is however, NOT the case at the moment and I sincerely apologise for the slow progress in this regard.

6) Indemnity Forms and Proof of age
Managers are to please collect the following and keep them in alphabetical order in a file:
a) A police certified copy of the players birth certificate or Identity document
b) Indemnity form (properly completed.

7) Alicia Daniel I have asked Ms Alecia Daniel to step down as coach of the U13A Girls side because of sickness in her family. I feel that the pressure on her would be unfair and I would like to take the responsibility of a provincial side off her plate. She will be reconsidered for 2009 and we ask everyone to keep her and her family in their prayers in this difficult time. Another coach will be sourced asap.

8) Players from Eastern Gauteng and Northern Gauteng in GSWP teams
In short, the letters below allows players to play for Gauteng if they so wish.

From: S La Marque []
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 5:14 PM
To: Marius Buys
Cc: Jane Samson
Subject: Re: Inter regional movement of players Hi Marius The ruling has been that provincial teams shall be entered into the "A" section and regional OR "B" teams entered into the "B" section. However with there being no "B" section we are permitting regions to enter teams into the "A" section. Any player selected for their Provincial "A" team may at the discretion of his parents play for whom he so wishes, ie either the provincial team or the regional team but not both, PROVIDED THAT THIS NOT BE IN BREACH OF YOUR PROVINCIAL CONSTITUTION and that the region does in fact fall under your provincial control.

From: Ron Sileno []
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 11:25 AM
To: Marius Buys
Cc:;;; St Stithians Prep - Grant Ramsey
Subject: RE: Boys from Northerns and Easterns who want to try out at Gauteng trials Hi Marius I have chatted to Rob (Ambler). We will send our boys to Gauteng Trials, any boys that make it at trials will play for Gauteng. Easterns trials will go ahead as per last season and we will enter Easterns teams in the B section.

From: Rob Lodge []
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 12:17 PM
To: Marius Buys
Subject: RE: Boys from Northerns and Easterns who want to try out at Gauteng trials Hi Marius Northern’s will be entering an U19 team in the Boys A section, as we did last year.
Thanks for keeping us posted

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
23 September 2008