Tour Communication Nr. 12 - Raffle fundraising letters

Dear Manager

Please collect your teams raffle books / letters for handing out to your team at the next practice from the St David's reception care of Ms Lesley Armstrong.

* Please sign out the correct raffle letter according to the book number indicated next to the players name. (Nb! They MUST sign for their letter!)
*The players must please sell all 20 tickets for R50.00 ea.
*They must return the completed list to you.
*The draw will be by the sponsor CEO on 2 December 2008 at their head office.
*The player who sells the most books will receive a complete set of extra kit and supporters jackets for his parents.
* The players parents must pay the collected funds into the GSWP bank account and staple the receipt to the list which they must return to you by 25 November 2008.
*The bookkeeper, ms Gilbert will check that all letters have been collected and funds been paid in as per letter.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
27 October 2008

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