GSWP 54 – Amended GSWP Practice squad arrangements

To all GSWP Tour Staff

Please read carefully and try to adhere as closely as possible to the following arrangements for squad and team practices.


a) The staff must make sure that they have the sms details of all players in the squad in event of an emergency.
b) Normal communication from the manager to players and parents are as follows and presumes that most parents use their email at work:

For weekend practices:
i) Via email if the communication is sent out before 12pm on a Friday.
ii) Via sms if the communication is sent out after 12pm on a Friday.

Practices in the week:
i) Via email if the communication is 2 days before the practice.
ii) Via sms if the 2 days communication deadline was missed.

c) Managers are to send out an email and post results and practice details on the Blogspot in the format below and get the login and password from Grant or Fiona:


TEAM: U16 A & Colts
EVENT: Squad practice
DATE: Tuesday 5 September
VENUE: St John’s Valley Pool
TIME: 15H00 – 17H00
ATTENDING STAFF: Mr. O Brien & Mr. Gaffney
MANAGERS NOTE: Please bring a certified copy of your ID today.

d) Blogspot addresses are:
(Grant Ramsey 074 192 4373
(Fiona Cullen 072 515 5817


a) Attending staff are to make sure the following has been arranged BEFORE they get to the practice venue:
i) Balls, caps, whistle, other training equipment.
ii) Key or code needed to enter locked premises.
iii) Permission to use the venue (preferably printed out to avoid issues with guards)
iv) The contact details of a person who they can phone if there is a problem with access.
v) Attendance register.

c) If one coach cannot make it the other coach or manager MUST take the practice. Please do not cancel any practice with less than 2 hours notice as parents travel from far and arrange their entire day around the practice. The reason for the cancellation must be supplied to the parents and players.

d) There will be a minimum of one practice per week during June, July, August and September and two practices per week in October and November. Practices should be two hours or longer and if any of the minimum amount of practices are missed staff must try to make the practice up at another time.

d) Please note that staff may ask the squad to pay between R75 – R120 per month toward pool hire, coaches cell and travel remuneration. Managers should please just be able to give account to parents and players of where the funds were spent and should keep written records.

e) Coaches must avoid doing pure fitness work alone and should make at least half of their practice match-play related.

f) Final squads must please be announced by 10 September 2008.

g) Final teams must be available on 10 October 2008.


a) It is the responsibility of each coach to make sure that his/her teams quota requirements are met as the team can not be entered without the full quota requirement. A list of schools can be requested from Marius buys at cell:076 800 6983. A quota player is any Black, Coloured or Indian player.

b) Quota players can be sourced from schools or from the Soweto swimming club and it is crucial to ensure that we develop water polo in this area. I realize that this may mean extra effort from coaches but if we do not do this we fall further and further behind in the process.

c) The recent parliamentary decision to include Chinese in the so called “Black” classification must be taken cognissence of but managers must be aware that SSA has not officially incorporated said into the SWPSA tournament quota recommendation.

e) The players essential booking details such as the Date of Birth, Name and Surname, School, email, & cell number must be sent to each chairperson in the form of an excel spreadsheet to enable the bookkeeper, travel agent and person in charge of clothing to start their work. Staff must also include their own detail on the list with the team.

f) Managers will be required to keep a complete file of the players that need to contain their medical details, indemnity form and a certified copy of their birth certificate and an attendance register. (Other forms will be provided as well but managers are to please start working at gathering the required info pro actively.)

g) Please tell the players selected for the final squad that their parents will be required to pay a R2000.00 deposit by the 15th of September, R2000.00 and the remainder of the tour fee on 15th of October 2008.

h) The award ceremony will be held at the St David’s Marcellin Champagnat Hall on 8 November 2008 and will be attended in school uniform.

i) Dates and times for the 2008 SASWP Tournament held in East London:
i)GSWP Squad departure date: 6 December 2008 (by air)
ii)GSWP Squad return date: 10 December 2008 (by air)
iii)SASWP Tournament Date: 7 – 10 December
iv)Actual Tournament Matches Start Time: 7am, Sunday 7 December
v)Actual tournament end time: no later than 3pm, Wednesday 10 December

j) All teams will stay within 1.5km from their venue in a hostel.

k) A comprehensive tour document and guide will be given to the players close to the tournament.

l) Tournament Venues are the Joan Harrison Aquatic Complex, Selborne College, Port Rex High School, Clarendon College and Stirling High School.Age groups have not yet been allocated to specific pools.

m) Please note that Fiona’s email has changed.

n) The GSWP clothing will change from annual replacement to a hybrid


Yours in polo

Marius Buys
16 August 2008

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