Tour Communication Nr. 2 - Internal Memo

Dear Coaches and Managers

Blog sites: Please visit and encourage your players to visit the Blogs below:

Mixit Multimix Linkup:
Thanks for those who took part in yesterdays exercise. The problem was apparently that Mixit is currently running a Beta version of Multimix and have very limited chat rooms available. A chat room is where all participants can see what everyone else is typing at the same time, which is why I want to hold meetings in that way. I will notify you when we will try again. In the meanwhile it still remains the cheapest way of communication. About 7sent to log on and almost free from there. If you take that to send 1 sms to the entire tour staff costs about R30 the logic seems to stand. In short…it is vital that you become Mixit enabled.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
24 September 2008

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