Tour Communication Nr. 7 - Feedback from managers meeting 14 October 2008

1) Some coaches have been slack in getting out the final teams. Please supply cap number, name, surname, date of birth, players cell and parents email urgently.

2) The kit coordinator, travel coordinator and bookkeeper cannot start any organisation without team lists and is urgently waiting for the coaches and managers to act.

3) The travel option of players and staff is now urgent and MUST be obtained by managers.

4) Fund raising will be done through raffle ticket sales and every player must sell a minimum of 1 book of raffle tickets. (20 tickets x R50) half of the funds will be used to alleviate the general tour fee and half will be utilized toward the Gauteng Schools Water Polo Foundation. A special reward will be given to players who sell two or more raffle books.

5) Swimwear can be fitted and ordered within the next week or so through the kit coordinator which will supply sample sizes for each player to wear. The swimwear works according to international sizes.

6) Players will use the same tracksuit as last year and the tracksuit is not included in the tour fee. Players who do not have the tour fee must please order one when the order form becomes available.

7) The clothing supplier has agreed to a maximum markup of 20% on all essential kit. A substantially larger markup will be placed on extra kit for fundraising purposes.

8) Water polo caps will be supplied for the use of the teams but will have to be signed for and returned to managers for use next year. The U19’s get to keep their caps as a memento.

9) Players who want to order backdated scrolls must provide a certificate and proof of identity to the supplier. The scrolls for 2008 will be handed out at the award ceremony.

10) The dress requirements for the award ceremony, tour communications, accommodation, tour forms, staff list, team info received, team list, tour fee breakdown, transport in EL and travel to EL posts have been adapted. Please check the tour blog site.

11) Managers and coaches have to organize between themselves who of the three staff will attend the managers and coaches meeting as per order of events on the blog site.

12) A banner has to be sourced for the award ceremony.

13) The design for the new swimwear has been finalized and signed off.

14) Managers are to please appoint two keen parents to act as official team photographers for each and every team. The reason for two photographers is in the event of one persons digital information being lost or files corrupted.

15) The lodge where the staff will stay has place for another 20 family members of the tour staff.

16) The managers and coaches are to please reread the tour blog before every training session and inform / update their players of any changes.

17) A request from the bookkeeper to indicate whether the payment is from a boy or a girl by adding the letter B (for boy) or G (for girl) at the end of the payment reference.

18) Parents to pay their second tour fee deposit of R2000.00 by tomorrow.

19) The tour fees has been managed to be brought down to app. R3950 but may still change

20) Staff and parents are to ignore the SSA communication that seeks to change quota requirements etc. The SA Schools water polo tour will go ahead with the parameters determined at the SWPSA AGM on 28 February 2008.

21) Managers are to please encourage the parents to visit the tour blog site.

22) Parents are appreciative of the tour fee breakdown.

23) Coaches are asked to submit stories of brave and positive endeavor by staff and players to be posted on the blog under the good stories post.

24) A corporate sponsorship plan and strategy is in the process.

25) The managers are to prepare a file in which they keep all their players relevant information, forms etc.

26) Accommodation for the girls teams have not been finalized but a fall back is available should there be accommodation problems. The places booked can actually accommodate the entire GSWP squad but placing of boys and girls is not an ideal practice and will be avoided.

27) A general email to all schools and clubs will be sent out to call for Black, Coloured, Indian or Chinese players to try out with teams who have not yet met their quota target or who would like to consider other quota players as opposed for their sides due to truculent behaviour of one or two incumbent quota players who do not see the need to train as hard as the rest of the squad. Please submit requests to Mr. Marius Buys before Thursday when the letter to MIC’s will go out.

28) If the 60 seater bus is not sufficiently filled, GSWP will seek to obtain / hire a 22 seater bus and driver from a Gauteng school.

29) The travel coordinator, bookkeeper and kit coordinator will be given administrator rights to update their own blog pages where parents can check to see if their arrangements or payments have been confirmed.

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
14 October 2008

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