Travel to East London
NB! Players and Staff please inform your manager of your travel choice asap!The four travel options to East London are:
Option 1
Flight return trip
(all on one plane there and one plane back)
At a cost of about R2200.00 pp,
leaving on 6 December 2008 at about 17h30, arriving East London at 18h55
Returning on 10 December 2008 in the late afternoon.
Option 2
Bus return trip
(all on one bus there and one bus back)
At a cost of about R900.00 pp,
leaving in the afternoon of 5 December 2008 and arriving at a time to be announced on 6 December 2008.
The bus for the return trip leaves after the medal ceremony and returns sometime on 11 December 2008.
Option 3
Make your own way at your own cost.
This is for persons flying with Voyager miles, using own transport with parents or a lift club and going by train etc.
Players are to report to their coach and manager at the Joan Harrison Pool at a time to be affirmed in the late afternoon of the 6th of December 2008.( Probably at 18h00)
I will open a blog where parents can offer rides and connect with each other. the address is
Parents must realize that any travel other than the Formal GSWP Flights and Bus trips are partially covered by the general indemnity form but that there will be no official control exercised over the player until he joins the side in East London.
Players who arrive at East London Airport must please wait at the Wimpy until they are collected by a driver with a welcome board who will collect and transport them to the Joan Harrison Pool, The drivers cell number will be provided at a later stage.
Option 4
One Time Flight trip single leg
At a cost of about R1200.00 pp,
General Notes:
*Staff who accompany the players on the bus will receive a R600 chaperone fee for each leg of the bus journey.
*Staff who choose option 3 will be reimbursed for the maximum amount of R1500.00
* Staff may not combine options.
* Players who are financially assisted by GSWP must choose option 2 unless they pay in the rest of the shortfall from their flight ticket via sponsorship or fund raising.
* The person who will act as travel coordinator is Ms Richenda Cole via each teams manager.
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